Compliance for e-invoicing is essential for any business in the e-commerce industry. Failure to comply with regulations can lead to fines and penalties, as well as public embarrassment. However, compliance can be challenging, especially for small businesses. In Egypt, several regulations apply to e-commerce businesses. These regulations can impact your invoice processing in several ways, including how you sell products, use customer data, and collect and store customer information. Therefore, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of these regulations before you begin e-invoicing processes in Egypt.


What is e-invoicing compliance?

Compliance for e-invoicing processes in Egypt is of utmost importance, given that the country has implemented mandatory electronic invoicing. It will be implemented in phases based on the volume of invoices. Then, the government will issue an announcement identifying the companies that must comply with the new system. Despite its growing popularity, there are many challenges associated with implementing e-invoicing.

Compliance for e-invoicing processes in Egypt is crucial for the project’s success. Invoices can be submitted electronically to any tax authority or service provider, but they must be submitted electronically. This is the only way a tax department can make sure that all transactions are legal and fair. However, businesses must comply with e-invoicing regulations in Egypt to avoid stumbling into trouble.

First, the e-invoices invoice processing system must be valid in Egypt. Egyptian law requires companies to submit e-invoices in an electronic format. Moreover, e-invoices must contain specific and general information. In addition, e-invoices should have an invoice number that can be traced among thousands of invoices. The sequence of invoice numbers can be issued by the seller or by the tax authority. Secondly, the e-invoice must include information on taxation.


Why is e-invoicing important?

In Egypt’s compliance for e-invoicing is a significant step toward developing the country. The government has made e-invoicing mandatory for all businesses. Using a reputable e-invoicing solution, B2B companies in Egypt can comply with e-invoicing regulations and have global connectivity. By complying with e-invoicing requirements in the country, Storecove will ensure that your e-invoicing system will be a hit on the market.

E-invoicing is essential for several reasons. First, it helps reduce the risk of fraud. When you include e-invoicing in your business process, you create a system where customers can immediately contact you if they experience a problem with their order. This way, you can quickly and efficiently address any issues and ensure customer satisfaction. Additionally, it provides that your customers are delighted with their product or service. Finally, by ensuring that all aspects of your e-commerce process are compliant with Egyptian law, you reduce the chances of customer dissatisfaction and fraud.


What are the mandatory fields in invoice processing?

To ensure compliance for e-invoicing, companies should create an e-invoice by registering with the Egyptian Tax Authority. This is necessary because only these companies can register on the E-Invoice Portal. If a company already has an ERP system, it must integrate with the E-Invoice System. To do so, they must follow technical guidelines and use a valid e-signature. In addition, the invoice must contain certain information and be signed electronically.


Every Egyptian business must include the following mandatory fields in their invoice processing:

  • Contact information: Name, contact number, and email address of the customer
  • Date of purchase: The date on which the product was purchased
  • Price: The price at which the product was bought
  • Item number: The unique identifier for the product
  • E-Invoicing requirements in Egypt


To successfully implement e-invoicing in Egypt, businesses must first register. A successful e-invoicing process must include a unique identification code (UID) for each invoice. The e-invoicing mandate in Egypt should consist of several requirements. The Egyptian government’s 2030 objectives require that all Egyptian companies implement an acceptable e-invoicing system within four phases. Once the mandatory e-invoicing obligation is met, all registered companies will be obligated to issue electronic invoices.


Who is liable for e-invoicing?

Your business is most likely liable for e-invoicing if you are responsible for issuing and managing the invoices. This includes both your customers and yourself. If you’re not sure who’s responsible for your invoices, you can ask your invoicing supplier. However, be aware that many businesses do not have an invoicing supplier, so it may be challenging to determine who should be held responsible.

The Egyptian Tax Authority mandates 134 large businesses to issue electronic invoices and will gradually extend the obligation to other taxpayers after January 2021. An e-Invoice is a digital document that proves transactions. After a supplier has generated an electronic invoice, the authority must verify it, which will send it to the customer. Who is liable for e-invoices in Egypt?


Compliance for e-invoicing is one of the most critical aspects of e-commerce in Egypt. It helps to ensure that all products are accurately billed, entered into the system, and delivered to the customers. This is especially important when it comes to custom-made goods or those that come with specific specifications. To keep up with global standardization, manufacturers often have to comply with particular regulations to stay in business. One such regulation is the requirement for products to be billed in a unique format. This format must identify each product, its price, and delivery date. For online stores, this format is called an e-Billing Format.